We’re Fancy Now!

I was super, and happily, surprised to see that Hook, yarn and thinker had nominated us for a Liebster Award!

How totally awesome!! Thanks for the shout out!







So here’s how it works:

  • Thank the blogger that nominated you þ
  • Answer the 11 questions you were given
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers with less than 500 followers
  • Post 11 questions for your nominee to answer
  • Tag your nominees and post a comment in their blog so they know they’ve been nominated.


Here are the questions I was given to answer:

  1. Why do you blog? My co-blogger and I started the blog to share crochet patterns and ideas. That’s primarily what we did and why we blogged for the first chunk of our blog’s life. Recently we’ve been branching out into other topics too. I blog because it’s a fun way to share ideas. It’s been fun connecting with other bloggers and hearing new opinions.
  2. If you could only listen to only 5 albums for the rest of your life what would they be? I love this question. It’s been previously mentioned that I have terrible taste in music! I do, I’m cool with it. So my co-blogger cracked up when she saw I would have to answer this question. What can I say?! I blame my mother who listened to Madonna, Prince, and all other delightful 80’s pop stars! So here they are:
    1. Meatloaf – Bat Out of Hell II: Back into Hell – this was the first CD I ever purchased for myself. I love it. So much in fact I wore the CD out. I’ve had it since middle school.

    2. Heather Nova – Siren
    3. Eminem – preferably his newest one but if I’m angry I’ll listen to any of them
    4. George MichaelLadies and Gentlemen: the Best of George Michael – That’s right. Just gotta have faith!
    5. Grace Potter and the Nocturnals – This is Somewhere

    It that it?!?! Ahh, there are so many more I would love to include but I guess that’s my list.

  3. If you could visit one place you haven’t been, where would you go? Europe – all over it
  4. If you could sit and have coffee with anyone in the world living or deceased who would it be? This question prompted quite a lot of discussion between my co-blogger and I. She ended up writing this post afterwards. As mentioned I would have coffee with my great-grandfather. He was an interesting man who I think had some fabulous stories to tell. He was one of my favorite people when I was young and I’d be curious to know him as an adult. If he wasn’t available however I’d take Thor. Let’s be clear – not Chris Hemsworth but Thor. (ok, nevermind, I’d take Christ Hemsworth too!)
  5. If you won a big lottery say $40 million, what would you do with the money? Pay off bills, pay off my parent’s bills and then not work. I’d like the time to travel, buy expensive yarn and generally have the opportunity to make the most of my time.
  6. What’s one material possession (besides a cell phone) in your life that you’d be lost without? Probably my car or laptop. For obvious reasons.
  7. What is your earliest memory? I’m not entirely sure. I have some memories of the house we lived in until I was six. Those are probably the earliest but nothing stunning.
  8. How many people in your list of Facebook friends are you actually friends with? Probably about two or three not counting relatives. I have several friends who don’t do the Facebook thing but most people on Facebook are acquitances. Some good acquitance and some I just went to high school with.
  9. What was your favorite cartoon as a child? X-men and Garfield.
  10. Do you prefer to be the driver or passenger? It depends on who’s driving! Mostly the passenger however.
  11. What is one thing you hope to do before you die? There’s a lot yet. Get my Master’s is right at the top currently. Skydiving and getting a tatoo are up there too.

My 11 Nominees (Oh, fun!!):

  1. Chucks for Chancho
  2. The Mystery Meat
  3. My journey to qualify for the Boston Marathon
  4. Stamped with a Heart
  5. Stiches ‘n’ Scraps
  6. A Nerdy Crocheter
  7. The Knitting Neurotic
  8. Things I want to create before wrinkles overwhelm me
  9. A slight obession with books
  10. A Crafty Blog
  11. The Greekery Craft Blog

These are all blogs I’ve enjoyed reading! I hope you check them out and enjoy!

Questions for the nominees to answer:

  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. How has your blog evolved over time?
  3. Five favorite authors? (I need some new reading suggestions)
  4. How do you spend your free time?
  5. I have to repeat this question – If you could only listen to only 5 albums for the rest of your life what would they be?
  6. Do you like your job? Why or why not?
  7. What is your beverage of choice?
  8. What is currently your favorite televison show? Why?
  9. What is the best item you own?
  10. When do you read other people’s blogs?
  11. How and when did you learn your favorite hobby?

Thanks again to Hook, yarn and thinker!! This has been fun.

2 thoughts on “We’re Fancy Now!

  1. Kristin says:

    Thank you SO much!!! I appreciate the nomination!! You’re so awesome and I enjoy reading your blog!! You made my morning!! XOXO!!! 😉


  2. […] for a Leibster Award again. Last time both of us here at NightsWatchBlog were nominated and my co-blogger obligingly complied. I did not. So I figured it was my […]


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