Runners Be Crazy.

Last night I registered for a run that’s in early March. Later I realized that, Holy Crap, early March is next week. This morning I stepped outside and one thought popped into my head :crystallized snot.
It’s so cold your face freezes instantaneously when you walk outside. Remember when your mom said “Stop making that face or it’ll get stuck that way?”
I’m pretty sure that could actually happen on a morning like this.

So it’s very, very cold and I just paid $90 (for three people) to run…. in public…. in the cold nine days from today. Sounds fun right?

It’s been a very weather intensive winter in the Midwest this year. We’ve had weeks and weeks of “polar vortex” cold. Our snow storms were so intense this year they started giving them names. That’s when you know you’ve hit the big leagues in the weather world.
But so far this winter a week hasn’t gone by that I have not seen some crazy person out running, usually more than one. It’s not just that one octogenarian in shorts all year round running the same four mile loop at the same time he’s run for the past forty years anymore.
I see people running when it’s three degrees out, snowing, raining, icy, whatever. Heck I’ve even been that person fighting the elements just to log a few miles, admittedly not as often as I’d like to be.
Whenever I see someone else out running in less than ideal weather I think “Damn, that guy (or girl) is crazy!”
But in the back of my mind there’s a hint of admiration for these runners and their determination to get out and do what they love the rest of the world be damned. Not to mention a tad bit of jealousy that they got to go pound the pavement that day and (maybe) I didn’t. And, even if they don’t feel it at that moment, a sense of camaraderie.
So, yeah, runners are just a little bit crazy.
If you don’t believe me yet look at the themes for popular runs. Many of them revolve around holidays, booze, zombies, or all of the above. Go to any of these runs and you’ll see people, adults not being paid to do so, dressed in ridiculous costumes and themed accessories. Holiday runs are some of my favorites.
Maybe if I paint myself green I won’t feel the cold.



Here's a couple random holiday run pics from the past couple of years.

About nights7

A metamorphosis in progress...always.

12 thoughts on “Runners Be Crazy.

  1. Kristin says:

    I love your pictures and haha, I think the title says it all!!! Love your blog!!


  2. I had a feeling following your blog would be a good idea. I came for the crochet and stayed for the running! I am still full of admiration for you running in those conditions. I agreed with a friend today that I’d do a 10k in May/June still we have nothing but a bit of wet weather standing in our way. I will try and buck my ideas up! Good luck, sounds like it’ll be… Fun? Something like that πŸ™‚


    • nights7 says:

      Well I’m hoping running in these conditions, or temperatures at least, won’t last much longer. We’re due for a bit of a warm up any time now.
      Sunday looks like it’ll be at least in the mid-twenties with no chance of snow. I’m sure it’ll be fun…or at least an adventure. πŸ™‚


    • nights7 says:

      P.S.- “I came for the crochet and stayed for the running” is a great line. I only just started blogging about running. I’m glad you’re enjoying it. I know I am.


      • I really am enjoying it. After Xmas I wrote a blogpost about things I’d finished last year. In the end I cut out a whole bit about running, because it sounded a bit out of place, but I was so proud of finishing my first 10k. Mustn’t give it up this year. Good luck with your run, enjoying it is the thing πŸ™‚


      • nights7 says:

        Running is one of those things that I almost always enjoy once I’m actually doing it. Sometimes getting myself out the door is the challenge though.
        I keep meaning to do a 10k but still haven’t. If things go according to plans this year I’ll do one on my way to doing a half marathon.


  3. […] year I ran a St. Patrick’s Day 5K this weekend but decided not to sign up for it this year. It got a little more expensive and they […]


  4. […] very early. Sometimes we’re wearing ridiculous outfits. Why?? Because it’s fun (and we’re slightly off our rockers). There’s nothing like a crowd of enthusiastic runners waiting around in the early morning […]


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