A Quick & Nerdy Post

Usually September fourth is just another day. This year it would’ve been just another Friday or maybe, if you’re in the USA, the beginning of Labor Day weekend.
However the marketing geniuses villains department at Disney/Star Wars deemed it Force Friday

What, you may be asking, exactly does that mean? (Or maybe you’re thinking Hell yeah! Force Friday!!!)

Basically it’s Disney/Star War’s way of raising (already high levels of) excitement for the new Star Wars movie that’s coming out in December aaannnd of getting all us poor, excited schmucks to buy merchandise early. Really it’s a great marketing ploy. One that I totally planned to resist.

And I did.

Until Sunday morning when I saw Zulily’s daily email flyer reminding me that the Star Wars merchandise sale ended in “1 day and 23 hours”. So I took a quick gander…one that turned into a quick purchase. I added Star Wars t-shirts and pint glasses and wall decals and Storm Trooper earrings (Really, who could resist such awesomeness???) and…stuff to my virtual cart. Then I glanced at the total and removed a few items and checked out. I still got the Star Wars Easy Piano book though. I am SO going to learn to play some Star Wars music soon!

Luckily I came to my senses and got out of there before too much damage was done.

But then I glanced at the Target flyer at work last night…

There was a whole center fold devoted to Force Friday (or whatever they were calling this thing two days later) complete with a code for an online coupon of $25 off your Star Wars purchase of $100 or more. Excluding Lego’s of course. (Those bastards!). Again I fell prey to the marketing tactics. I really wanted  thought my kids might like the remote control BB-8 droid and if I used the coupon I’d basically get that sweet twin sized comforter for free.

BB-8 toy Of course the sale had been running for more than a day now and they toys had been out since Friday so the little BB-8 was no where to be found. I did however stumble upon this super cool Light Saber building system.

I got the very last comforter too. Methinks there might be a Star Wars themed room makeover coming soon. Well, maybe after Christmas sometime.

After leaving the store I realized how awesomely fun it would be if all my kids had their own individual light saber building sets. Getting light sabers for everyone is now being added to my Christmas to-do list. Two down, three to go. Good thing I’ve got a few months still.

In the spirit of Force Friday the ;local Target store had a “life sized” cardboard Chewbacca stand up complete with sound effects for their customers’ selfie taking pleasures. I bypassed it though. That’s not all that special; I’ve got my own cardboard cut out Chewbacca.

It doesn’t have sound effects though:

P.S.- If you’re interested in a more thorough review of Force Friday check this guy out!

About nights7

A metamorphosis in progress...always.

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