Liebster Award Mach II

Last week…okay, two weeks ago this happened. Yup, that’s right, we got nominated for a Leibster Award again. Last time both of us here at NightsWatchBlog were nominated and my co-blogger obligingly complied. I did not. So I figured it was my turn.

Here goes:
Firstly, according to Leibster Award rules, thank you to DrJenkinSunts at All Sorts of Geekery

Secondly, to answer the questions…
1.What made you decide to start blogging?
It was a boring totally normal February night at work, my co-worker and I were talking about a crochet pattern we had both tried that had just gone wrong, and then we decided to blog about it. It was pretty much a random whim but it’s been fun (until now, this whole process is a little painful).

2.What’s your favourite thing about blogging?
At first I (really we) just blogged about crochet and sewing projects and it was fun. Then this past January something happened; I had a really bad day and I needed to tell someone about it but there was no one I actually wanted to talk to about it. SO I wrote about it and writing about it was helpful.
Turns out writing about things and getting a response from people who can commiserate can be quite therapeutic.

3.What’s your least favourite thing about blogging?
Nothing. I haven’t seen a downside to blogging yet.
Wait, maybe this Leibster Award is my least favorite thing about blogging. Not that I’m not honored to get the nod, but it’s a whole lot of talking about me and myself and then there’s all the linking. It’s a bit of work.

4.What’s been the best experience of your life so far?
Yikes! That’s a big question. Aside from being a parent (which is hands down the best experience of my life but a little obvious), getting divorced was both one of the worst and best experiences of my life.
While the whole divorce process was terrible and I never want to go through anything even remotely similar to that ever again, it also made me figure out who I am. I survived and am a better person, someone I like more, after having gone through all that.

5.Describe yourself in five words.
Clumsy, creative, intelligent, random, abrasive straightforward

6.What single quality do you most appreciate in people?
Straightforwardness. It’s not the same as honesty.

7.Do you have any pets?
I do. I have a dog, a cat, a leopard gecko, and a pony. I’m considering trying fish again (at the persistent request of my four year old) but hesitate after the fish slaughter of 2013.
I’m not really an animal person but my kids are.
wpid-img_20140131_200829-1.jpg gecko
8.What are your top 5 songs/artists/albums? You can choose which category!
I’m going to go with top five artist since narrowing down my top five songs or albums is just too difficult.
In no particular order and subject to change at any time without notice:
-Billy Joel (I just can’t help it, I love him)
-The Foo Fighters
-Eminem (especially the Marshall Mathers LP 2)

9.What’s your favourite film?
Now that I think about it I don’t actually have a favorite film…weird and a little boring. Sorry.

10.What’s your favourite book?
Gone With the Wind and Jurassic Park or maybe Timeline (also by Michael Crichton) are among my favorite books. I don’t really have an all time top favorite book. Notice a theme here? Yeah, I’m not big on favorites.

11.Ice cream or custard?
Neither really. I’ll eat ice cream but only if it’s mixed with milk….and vodka.

And ,only because it’s required, 11 Random facts about yourself:
1) I really dislike telling people about myself.
2) I sometimes wear pajama pants in public…usually my favorite fleece ones with Stewie from Family Guy all over them. These are best paired with a baggy hoodie. If you’re going to don an air of really not caring about your appearance you might as well go whole hog.
3) I eat pizza rolls dipped in ranch dressing…regularly. But only in odd numbered groupings (7, 9, or 11 usually).
4) Food mixing together grosses me out way more than blood, guts, bodily fluids, or gaping wounds.
5)Five is my favorite number. I know I said I don’t usually have favorites but sometimes I do. “First rule: The Doctor lies.”
6) I work nights…but if you’ve read much of my blog you probably already know this.
7) Talking to people I don’t know scares me.
8) I am slightly clumsy, especially when tired. I AM the reason we can’t have nice things.
9) I’m afraid of bats…but I love Batman!



10) I think people who jump on all the latest hipster food trends are pretentious, but I bake with coconut oil and pretend to be gluten free sometimes.
11) I have been a consumer, maybe even an addict, of coffee for half my life now…and I’m really not that old.

Blogs I nominate:
1. What Miss Amy Did Next…
2. Running in Scrubs
3. Forever in Fibre
4. Prose and Other Musings
5. Dance Like a Robot
6. The Occasional Crafter
7. Project Awesome
8. Blogless Anna
9. NightsWatchBlog…ha ha, just kidding. We are not doing this again anytime soon.

I tried to get a good cross section of the types of blogs I follow and read regularly. If you’ve already done this whole Leibster Award thing don’t feel like you have to go through the whole process again. You won’t hurt my feelings if you don’t; that’s actually pretty difficult to do.

Questions for those I nominated:
1. Why did you start blogging? Yes, I know, they all ask this but it seems relevant.
2. How has your blog developed or evolved since you started it?
3. Which of your blog posts do you like the best? Did you get a lot of feedback on it?
4. If you are a craft/sewing blog what is your favorite material (yarn included) to work with? If you’re not just make something up.
5. What is your go-to snack or favorite food?
6. What is the last album or song you bought or acquired?
7. Do you read other people’s blogs? Do you comment on them?
8. What device do you usually blog on (computer? phone?) and where?
9. What is your favorite aspect of having a blog?
10. Do you tell people you know in “real” life about your blog?
11. Do you swear or use curse words on your blog? What about in real life?

And lastly… The Liebster Award Rules

1.Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog.
2.Display the award on your blog — by including it in your post and/or displaying it using a “widget” or a “gadget”. (Note that the best way to do this is to save the image to your own computer and then upload it to your blog post.)
3.Answer 11 questions about yourself, which will be provided to you by the person who nominated you.
4.Provide 11 random facts about yourself.
5.Nominate 5 – 11 blogs that you feel deserve the award, who have a less than 1000 followers. (Note that you can always ask the blog owner this since not all blogs display a widget that lets the readers know this information!)
6.Create a new list of questions for the blogger to answer.
7.List these rules in your post. Once you have written and published it, you then have to:
8.Inform the people/blogs that you nominated that they have been nominated for the Liebster award and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it (they might not have ever heard of it!).

About nights7

A metamorphosis in progress...always.

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